The Los Angeles Natural Mattress Store
Before you buy a
Natural Mattress,
compare price, quality, guarantee and service. We hand craft each
latex mattress one-at-a-time in our own Factory. We make, sell,
deliver and guarantee America's Best-Built
Natural Mattress:
Completely reverssible, quilted on both sides and zipper cover.
20-year warranty. We have (3) three different Natural Mattresses on display in our Factory Showrooms; each on display
in (4) four different firmnesses: Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm
and Ultra Firm.
We save you money. No middleman. 800-727-1954.
Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable, experienced
and sincere in getting you the Right
Natural Mattress to help you get a good
night's sleep. The most important consideration is Support for
your lower-back area; and waking up feeling your best. Our 60
years of experience in the mattress industry will mean the right
mattress for you.
Please contact us today. You will be glad
you did.
1035 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix 800-733-1818
907 N. Hollywood Way,
Burbank 800-727-1954
(Los Angeles - LA)
Open Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4
Please call 800-233-7382 for a Free Quote